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A Solution Managing Management Meetings and Bank Employees´ Tasks

Applied solutions

Introduction of the Customer

The Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic is a specialized financial institution that combines banking and insurance activities in order to promote exports. The bank was founded on 22 July 1997 under the Act No. 80/1997 Coll. on the Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic. The mission of the bank is to promote the Slovak exports through banking and insurance activities. Its task is to enhance economic interaction of the Slovak Republic with abroad and to increase the competitiveness of the Slovak producers in foreign markets. It´s been our customer since 2011.

How we Helped the Customer?

This solution provides a platform for organizing activities related to the organization of EXIMBANKA SR bodies´ meetings and solving tasks arising from different kinds of meetings. Within the system, it´s possible to schedule a meeting, set its date and upload supporting documentation, prepare a programme, create content, generate invitations, write down meeting´s minutes, record discussion and based on the meeting minutes, automatically generate tasks for EXIMBANKA SR employees. The system generates different overviews of meetings and tasks pursuant to user requirements and set access rights for individual activities.

Dôležité fakty

Simple task management
A comprehensive collaboration system
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