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Zväz automobilového priemyslu Slovenskej republiky

We Helped Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic Digitize Several Services

Applied solutions
Portal Solutions

Introduction of the Customer

Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (AIA SR) is a voluntary association of legal entities operating in the fields of research, development, production, import and sales of motor vehicles and its components. The AIA SR was established in 1993 in order to create optimal conditions for the sustainable competitiveness of the automotive industry. It currently has 161 members. It has been our customer since 2006.

"Thanks to the launch of the portal we have been able to be in compliance with legislation. It´s a modern way of communication between citizens and respective institutions. From now on, the communication will be more effective and liquidation of vehicles more transparent."
Pavol Prepiak
Vice-President, Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic

How We helped the Customer?

The amendment of the Law No.223/2001 Coll. on Waste brought a need to change existing portal, since there arose a possibility to take out all non-existing vehicles of evidence (those, whose owners did not have the Certificate of Liquidation). The enacted amendment required mutual connection of three existing parties – District Environmental Office, Environmental Fund and Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Thus, the solution must have interconnected all upper-mentioned institutions.

  • At the time when the law amendment was enacted, the portal had already been running. However, this portal was based on outdated technology with old-fashioned design. Besides, it did not contain the important part concerning the certificates of non-existing vehicles.
  • For our customer, we have developed a new modern system designated for processors of old vehicles with the functionality issuing the certificates of non-existing vehicles.
  • Both solutions have been unified at one platform and existing processing platform has been upgraded (including mobile technology). An intuitive portal navigation simplifying communication of individual users has been developed.
  • The integrated web solution is called „The Electronic Register of Old Vehicles“ –

The Electronic Register of Old Vehicles offers the following benefits:

  • a citizen can find all the information and blank forms for legal liquidation of non-existing vehicles at one place;
  • the original portal and its design have been upgraded and refreshed what ensures maximum intuitiveness; and
  • citizens have an access to the portal via smartphones, which is now a must.

Important Facts

The portal gathers all relevant information at one place
The solution interconnected several institutions
The portal is available also from mobile devices is an internet portal which has been created to digitize and improve the efficiency of the process of issuing the certificate of assuming responsibility for waste disposal from individually imported vehicles. Such certification is needed when importing individual vehicles from abroad. Till the end of 2015, every applicant had to pay the fee by the cheque and the employee working at the County Council had to pair the cheque with the appropriate application. Since 1st of January 2016, when the Internet portal was deployed into operation, the whole process has been running electronically directly through the portal

Solution benefits for the applicants:

  • digitization of the process without the need to visit a post office;
  • significantly shorter duration of issuing the certificate – from couple days to couple minutes;
  • the possibility to select preferred way of payment;
  • simplified process of issuing the certificate (the applicant enters only VIN and phone number or e-mail address);
  • immediate online issue and delivery of the certificate;
  • the employee can verify the payment without the payment receipt.

Important Facts

Everything can be solved online
Issuing of the certificate within couple minutes
Tha fee can be paid in several ways

The 33€ project is an electronic service, which easily deals with legislative changes concerning mass vehicle importers. Since the legislation changed, the importers no longer have to pay a lot of money for the vehicle registration set by power of the engine. The basic fee for all imported vehicles when registering for the first time is 33€. Companies having this claim are strictly defined by law – the claim can be easily verified via entry of company registration number into the intuitive web application called

The effective system for public administration outside the state cloud was delivered in a record time, what has significantly contributed to saving of time and money. Online verification of important data is now quick and reliable and a need to visit the office was eliminated.

Uncomplicated dealing with the legislative changes simplifies life of mass vehicle importers as well as employees of Traffic inspectorates and brings several benefits:

  • the solution saves money of mass vehicle importers as well as time of Traffic inspectorates´ employees;

easy and free online verification of a subject´s claim to the administration fee of 33 € – from anywhere

  • the simple and friendly solution for every user;
  • no need to use an electronic identification card;
  • the solution named according to the fee amount simplifies searching for the web application via browsers.

Important Facts

The solution saves time and money
Data verification with a need to visit the office
Transparent user environment

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