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9. March 2017 a simple solution for public administration

In February 2017, the way of paying fees for vehicle registration in Slovakia was legislatively changed. Reflecting the changes, we have developed a smart and simple solution called “33eur” in a record time. The solution makes life of mass vehicle importers as well as employees of Traffic Inspectorates much easier.

Legislative changes

In February 2017, the way of paying fees for vehicle registration in Slovakia was legislatively changed (the Law No. 145/1995 Coll. on Administration fees as amended by the Law No. 342/2016 Coll.).

In accordance with the amendment of the law, conditions for entrepreneurs selling new cars (car producers, car producer representatives and contractual dealer network) have been defined. Special conditions have been set for the registration of vehicles designated for a demonstration purpose.

Based on relevant law provisions, we prepared a solution concept called,
33eur“, offering smart and simple way how to verify defined and closed group of entreprenuers, came into existence.Webová aplikácia pre MV SR

A solution called for public administration

The project was implemented in cooperation with Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic and Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic and significantly simplifies life of mass vehicle importers as well as employees of Traffic Inspectorates. Each subject has a right to control online the claim of the subject to pay a basic charge related to the first registration of the car.
All the subject must do is enter the company registration number into the simple web application. In case of 33€ registration charge, the subject can download or print the verification. The application is free and can be used for verification anywhere.

What other benefits does it offer?

The solution was delivered in a record time within the motto “The beauty in simplicity”. We used suitable domain called according to the charge amount, what characterizes the essence of the solution precisely. Data verification runs on-line and every user can cope with it. There is no need for further verification and user doesn´t need any electronic identification card. We developed the uncomplicated and effective system for public administration outside the state cloud, which saves time and money and helps to verify important information quickly and reliably.

Are you interested in an effective solution, process improvement, or saving time of your employees? Do not hesitate and contact us. It will be pleasure for us to help you.


  • zákon č. 145/1995 Z. z. o správnych poplatkoch v znení neskorších predpisov, odsek 65) písmeno d).
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