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12. April 2017

At the CRM conference in Prague, we introduced the Heineken Online CRM solution for the very first time!

Heineken Slovakia is the very first company in FMCG segment in Slovakia using CRM in cloud to improve customer experience in the field of Sales, Marketing and Customer Service. Together with Heineken, we introduced uniqueness of this innovative solution at the CRM conference held on 11th April 2017 in Prague.

The event called “CRM conference” grouped together sales managers and those responsible for setting the customer relationship management strategy. Approximately 80 companies came to get inspired by the topic “How to choose the best CRM solution for business development”.CRM konferencia v Prahe - Ako vybrať CRM systém

The main aim of the speakers was to show the audience, how does the whole process of selection and implementation of CRM looks like. Participants had an opportunity to find out more about the most important decision-making criterias when choosing technology and vendor, the complexity of such technology implementation, and more about the functionalities and benefits of the online CRM system for companies.

Heineken CRM online prezentácia na CRM konferencii

We participated in conference together with our client Heineken Slovakia. Heineken introduced to the audience implemented technological innovation, online CRM based on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform , developed by Millennium. Not only gained benefits, but especially the fact that it is the first time the online CRM was used in fast-moving goods segment in Slovakia, attracted present guests. Thus, Heineken has gained a status of technological innovator. As the very first company, it sell beer from the cloud! 🙂

The solution contributed to multiple speed and quality acceleration when dealing with customers. The CRM system significantly simplified work of Heineken employees in the fields of Sales, Marketing and Customer service.

Heineken CRM online prezentácia na CRM konferencii

All participants of the conference could get inspired by the story of Heineken Slovakia digital transformation For those who couldn´t come, we are preparing an article especialy about the fact how does Heineken sell beer from the cloud thanks to the CRM system.

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