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12. March 2020

At the time of threat, we promote responsible approach

Among the most discussed topic of these days belongs a quickly spreading COVID-19 disease. Latest information proves that it´s not a problem only of distant countries, but it´s ours as well. Thus, we have decided to be responsible as well and provided employees with an opportunity to work from home.

In Millennium, we use Microsoft Teams as a collaboration tool which is a part of Microsoft Office 365 package. It enables sharing files and organizing online meetings what´s significant added value in this situation.

Our priority as an employer in these difficult times is to protect health of our employees to the greatest extent possible. We are able to manage it since we are technologically ready and nothing stands in way of working from home routine. Since we have all our systems and tools in cloud, we have access to them anytime and from anywhere. Our employees can work remotely without any problems. We have also transferred external meetings into online environment. We believe that these measures help us minimize the risk of infection. Be responsible to you and the others.” Miroslav Krempaský, CEO


Moreover, cloud solutions, which Microsoft Teams belongs to, do not require any technical maintenance, what we guarantee based on our own experience. If your company is looking for a way how to effectively work remotely, we have a lead how to do it. Microsoft has initiated access to Teams for everybody during these times.

Teams available for everyone

If your organization has purchased Office 365 or Microsoft 365 license, you can use Teams automatically. In case you haven´t, there are some easy ways how to get this tool immediately.


  • if you have established your work or school e-mail account, log in via this link;
  • if you are using e-mail address such as Gmail or Outlook, you can register into free version of Teams via this link.

Professional teams:

  • if you are working for a company which does not have a license for Teams, use 6-month free offer Office 365 E1;
  • if you are working in education and would like to get Teams for teachers, students and administrators, choose free version of the package Office 365 A1.

The free version of teams provides unlimited chats, group and individual audio and visual chats, 10GB storage for files in Teams and 2GB storage for a user´s personal files. You will get a possibility to work with web Office applications in real time including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. You can find more information at the Microsoft web page.

If you are considering implementation of Microsoft Teams into your company as a permanent solution, do not hesitate and contact us. We will be happy to help you.

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