Business breakfast under the title of the American Chamber of Commerce took place in Bratislava hotel Sheratton. In addition to Microsoft colleagues our delivery manager Andrej Dubrovčák along with Ms. Karin Adamczáková introduced our successful CRM deployment in Slovenská sporiteľňa.
The next event, where we presented as speakers, was titled “Modern Sales Tools For Your Business”. The topic was yet again application of CRM as the tool for effective management of customer relationships. We were pleasantly surprised by the Košice public interest and excitement.
Martin Ševček, CTO Millennium presented a case study at HN forum on how we merged to Microsoft Azure cloud. The expected savings of EUR 80,000 in a horizon of three years caught the attention of the audience.
We would like to thank these partners we cooperated with in these events and express our expectations of more events in 2015!