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1. June 2016

Electronic signature of documents has extended our service portfolio

Electronic signature of documents is easy to manage thanks to our new partner eSignLive by Vasco.

Despite the fact that electronic signature of documents is not a new issue, it can´t be considered to be 100% spread in our country. The reason is mostly not only low adoption among final users, but also legislative and technological framework which accompany launching of such a solution. Nevertheless, benefits of electronic signature are obvious – complete digitalization of business processes resulting in increase of efficiency, improvement of customer experience and decrease of costs.

Our company considers electronic signature of documents as natural extension of our portfolio of customer–oriented solutions, used for management of relationships with customers as well as further sales and service processes. In compliance with our strategy to offer simple, modern and cloud solutions, also our solution of electronic signature is different from “commonly” offered e–sign solutions. Key benefits of our solution for e–signature are simplicity in implementation, possibility to be run in cloud and native integration with applications, e.g. Dynamics CRM or Sharepoint.

Actually, the solution could be applied everywhere, where manual signature of documents takes place and for which strict legislative framework is not required. A typical example of the use of electronic signature is common payment system, signature of various application forms and acknowledgements, intra-company agenda and processes etc. By running these operations the customer gains the biggest benefit in price/performance rate.

Millenium has chosen eSignLive by Vasco Company to be its partner in the field of electronic signature. Its parent company Vasco has been operating since 1992 as a global leader in the field of security and electronic signature of documents. We believe that this partnership will be beneficial for our customers and at the same time completes the complexity of our service portfolio.

If you are interested eSign solution, contact us for further information

Richard Sládek

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