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22. December 2014

End of the Year 2014

In Millennium we have completed a very demanding and perhaps the most successful year in our company history. We appreciate the trust of our clients and quality work of our people.

The upcoming holidays remind us that in addition to work and business there are areas in need of our attention. We decided to make some good deeds and support children in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

In cooperation with our partner, the company Microsoft, we bought Christmas presents and supported the House of Social Services Rosa in Bratislava, which takes care of 190 children with mental, physical or combined disorders.

Christmas in HSS Rosa (right to left) Rosa HSS Director, Marcus Breyer, Miroslav Krempaský and HSS Rosa employees

Our Czech branch, Millennium Services, began cooperation with the fund Heart on the Palm of Your Hand and through the Fund we supported the Foster Home Tisá. Owing to the contribution more than 20 children and adolescent youth enjoy a motivation program all year long. The intention of the program is to motivate children and adolescents to greater responsibility in education, behavior and in relationship to our surroundings, as well as out-of-school activities.

We are looking forward to the New Year, new projects and new clients. Thanks to them we will be able to expand our charity activities. We wish you a pleasant Christmas holiday, rest and relaxation:).

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