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26. August 2019

Millennium uses the potential of the online platform PowerApps

There is a saying that “The shoemaker´s son always goes barefoot”, but it does not apply to us. In Millennium, we are fans of innovations, that´s why we started to use the PowerApps platform. Because of our own experience, we are sure that we can implement these applications within several days or weeks.

A short time ago, we introduced you how the Microsoft PowerApps can improve your business. Today is especially important to make processes more effective and routine activities simpler. In Millennium, we are aware of this. That´s the reason why we decided to implement online applications into our internal environment.

Thanks to the PowerApps platform, Millennium has digitalized several processes what´s been reflected in more effective internal administration. We use benefits of online applications on daily basis. We consider their implementation to be a very important step forward in the era of digital transformation.” Miroslav Krempaský, CEO

PowerApps MillenniumWe, Millennium, use the PowerApps within the following processes:

  • reservations: parking system, booking massages, selection of a term of visit of the company apartment;
  • meeting company goals: a possibility to track status of goals and bonuses;
  • approval of applications: creation of an application for compensatory leave and its approval;
  • borrowing of movables: laptop accessories, cell phones, external disks, etc.

Millennium example: The PowerApps platform Parking system has helped to increase utilization of parking lots. Thanks to the shared parking lot, every employee can use this benefit. Everybody knows when a parking lot is free, employees can make a reservation through the application or cancel the reservation. A map of parking lots simplifies orientation in the garage. The online application promotes various parking localities – in case of Millennium – parking lots in the seat of the company in Bratislava and Prague.

Ilustračný obrázok PowerApps

llustration picture PowerApps

If you are interested in one of our existing online applications, its implementation requires:

  • delivery of data as the application content;
  • deployment of the application in your cloud (Microsoft Office 365), or its launch (if you´re not using cloud yet);
  • initial setting of the application;
  • connection to a connector (e.g. SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure, One Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive for Business, etc.).

If you require to create a new PowerApps, you will need:

  • an analysis of your requirements;
  • design of a PowerApps look;
  • programming of the application;
  • all the steps mentioned above: delivery of data, deployment in cloud, initial setting and connection to a connector.

The PowerApps applications have interactive design and can be activated in a desktop browser or mobile devices (cell phone or tablet).

If you are interested in digitalization of processes in your company, do not hesitate and contact us. We will offer you free consultation and lead you through the entire process of PowerApps implementation.

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