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27. January 2017

Practical use of the Central Management information system of the Reference data in the public sector

Thanks to the system integration in the public sector, the employees at the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (OLSAF) have saved a great deal of time - each month they can avoid the need for multiple manual entries of over 1,000 reports in the information system.

Every month OLSAF employees have a duty to process thousands of reports on beneficiaries and individual aid cases (information on beneficiaries, their address, amount of financial aid and the purpose of it). These reports must not only be recorded in their own information system but also for the needs of SK MoF into the IS SEMP system for monitoring state and the minimum aid whose supplier is the Millennium company. Integrácia IS SEMP s CSRú

The whole process of data recording into the IS SEMP system was originally supposed to be carried out manually which would put a considerable time and administrative burden on the OLSAF workers. In order to relieve them of unnecessary manual work and at the same time improve the quality and data availability for the needs of the Ministry, the SK MoF has decided to automate the link for the IS SEMP information system with Central Management of Reference Data system (CMRD) of the public sector.

CSRÚ is a central communication point integrated across national information systems that enables provision of data from multiple reference registers and basic setups for the needs of the other connected systems. This will ensure improvement of data quality, its consolidation, as well as inter-connection without having to re-enter them into each system separately.

By integrating the IS SEMP and CMRD, all data entered into OLSAF system are also automatically stored in the IS SEMP system. So there is no need for duplicate data entry, OLSAF workers are not burdened with unnecessary procedures while the SK MoF has the necessary information in time and in required quality.

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