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1. February 2018

The end of the year should not be all about the numbers and economic results

Traditionally, the end of the year is the time when companies summarize their economic results, evaluate the previous year success and plan the forthcoming. Why shouldn´t we stop for a moment and think about the way how we could do our bit for the society we live in?

As usual, Millennium closed another successful year helping the people who we think need our help the most.

National Institute of Child Diseases in Bratislava

In the end of the year, we helped National Institute of Child Diseases (till 2017 known as Children’s Faculty Hospital with Polyclinic Bratislava*), which provides health care for little patients from all over Slovakia. We are convinced that help and support in the health care sector won´t get lost and help those who need it the most.

DFNsP Bratislava logo

We appreciate a great and sincere gesture from the personnel, who instead of financial aid preferred material help according to their current needs.

During the Christmas, we selected together with Children´s hospital, and delivered medical aids aimed to increase quality of health care and make the stay of the children in this health care facility more pleasant.

Národný ústav detských chorôb - darovanie pomôcok

Národný ústav detských chorôb - darovanie pomôcok






On 1st of January 2018 Children’s Faculty Hospital with Polyclinic Bratislava underwent the successful transformation into National Institute of Child Diseases.

The Heart in Hand Foundation Fund – The Orphanage Tisá

This year again, the daughter company Millennium Services operating in the Czech Republic supported children from The Orphanage Tisá. This tradition began and has become rooted, since the Heart in Hand Foundation Fund has gained our trust.

Logo Srdce na dlani

We have been a part of the Motivation programme designated to support children from the orphanage in their school and out-of-school activities three years already. The aim is to help the children to become self-dependent and reliable not only in relation to themselves but also their vicinity.

During the last month of the year, the evaluation of the Motivation programme takes place together with awarding the smartest and the most initiative children who receive a motivational prize and a feeling of pride and who as well become examples and inspiration for others.

Thanks to the yearly invitation from the General Manager of the Orphanage Tisá to the prize award ceremony in December, we could see the progress of all these children in person, and be a part of these successful children´s stories, what we are very grateful for.

Detský domov Tisá - Srdce na dlani

Detský domov Tisá - Srdce na dlani





Autor článku: Michaela Magátová

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