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9. June 2022

The Motor-Car´s Sales Portal Has a New Attractive Design

Our customer Motor-Car ranks among the foremost Slovak companies specializing on online sales of vehicles. It promotes its services also via an online channel, where the customers can find all relevant information when buying a new or used vehicle. The portal underwent design transformation making its visual more attractive with new functionalities added.

Trends constantly evolve. Companies which want to keep up should be following them throughout the year and not only occasionally. They need to be flexible and open to changes to win over the competitors. Motor-Car, our long-term customer, belongs to such innovative companies. It has been on the market selling and servicing vehicles for more than 30 years. Their leadership in the area of online sale of vehicles of various brands can be seen also in their approach to the customers.

Online services move the world. People search for information much more on the Internet and expect required quality. It´s the quality, innovativeness and expertise which belong to main values we bring to our customer also via our portal solution. Its complete renewal is a part of our digital strategy with the customers and their fulfilled requirements in the centre of our interest.
Juraj Mačik, Head of Marketing, Motor-Car

More modern and intuitive online communication

The innovative design involved a complete makeover of the main portal and portal of the brands Mercedes-Benz, Jeep and Kia. The design proposed by Motor-Car was finalized by our common effort and implemented into the portal solution. The rules for using elements and colours are based on the latest trends of so called “Material Design” providing an elegant impression. Thanks to the design manual, the portal looks like a luxury showcase of vehicles, where premium customers will also find something to their liking.

A detailed analysis and solution design have influenced the main page functionality as well. This change has brought an intuitive view on provided services and centralized the most important information.

The overall design of the portal solution built on the Orchard Core technology was completed in two months. As the Motor-Car´s IT partner, we are ready to continue to help with further solution development.

If you are looking for a solution that would streamline your business processes, do not hesitate to contact us. We are ready to go through your requirements together and design an optimal solution.

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