On November 7th, Alexander Resch, the CEO and Chairman of the Board in VÚB bank Slovakia, honoured us with his visit. After he expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation with Millennium, he shared with us the hottest information on financial market.
Right after the arrival of Mr. Resch, he met with the team working on the project for VÚB bank and discussed the current state of the solution development. He explained the team how important the solution is with respect to the plans of the bank in loan sales and encouraged them in their further work. After that he took part in the panel discussion for all our colleagues. The discussion was led by Miroslav Krempaský, Millennium CEO.
Discussion was friendly and informal and our quest introduced us news in the bank as well as interesting facts about Group Intesa Sanpaolo. We discussed the most important innovations on financial market, virtual currencies, and, of course, IT banking solutions we are currently developing for the bank.
VÚB bank is one of our oldest business partners. Our cooperation started in 2001 and since then we have been growing together with the bank. During this time, we have delivered to the bank number of business critical applications – one of them is the SMECAS solution, which secures the entire life cycle of the loan contracts from their preparation, through approval, generation of contract documentation until their termination. Mr. Resch pointed out the fact that this solution helps the bank to be more efficient and competitive, what we were very pleased to hear. The significance of this long-term partnership was proved also by the amount of loans made through the application we had delivered – since the deployment of the application, VÚB bank has approved the loans in total amount more than 12 billion euros.
At the end Mr. Resch added: “Next time, we are going on pivo*.“ We would like to thank our special guest for his visit and we are looking forward our next meeting.
*pivo – beer in Slovak