For employees of „Erste Group IT International“ (member of Erste Group), which manages IT solutions of one of the largest banking groups, we have delivered an intranet solution for more than 100 users using agile methodology.
The goal of the project was to prepare an application in which the employees can cooperate and share information and materials on projects across project teams often comprising of several countries. The solution is also an application for planning and organizing internal activities, events, trainings and also knowledge sharing through Wiki pages.

The solution was supplied via an agile development, namely the Scrum methodology, thus we were able to deliver the solution in just 14 weeks. A conscious client was also a great benefit, understanding their responsibilities and their own roles during the development using the Scrum methodology.
The application is designed for more than 100 internal users with the ability to connect external colleagues. For the project, the SharePoint 2013 and MSSQL 2012r2 technologies were used.