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8. September 2016

We have developed a web application to improve communication with customers to VÚB bank

VÚB Private Zone eliminates the need of multiple visit of a bank branch for clients from the SME segment. The communication runs easily online.

Approval of loans is in many cases quite a time–consuming and administration–demanding process. During the process, an applicant can not go without a multiple visit of the bank in order to provide all necessary data for processing of the loan.

Pro–client oriented VÚB Bank has decided to eliminate this excessive administrative load up for clients from SME segment. As a result of the bank´s decision focusing on the increase of the efficiency and simplification of client communication, we have developed a web application web application, called VÚB Private zone.


Clients will obtain registration data for the application access from a bank adviser. Consequently they can fill in application forms necessary for the approval of the loan application from the comfort of their office.

The application is to be extended to further important functionalities for a bank and from the long–term point of view, it will lead to the increase of comfort and satisfaction on the part of client as well as bank clerks.

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