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6. June 2016

We have electronized the services for ZAP SR through

Electronization of services represents future of streamlining processes which are unnecessarily administratively complicated. The whole process is therefore significantly reduced from the hours or even days to minutes.

Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (ZAP SR) is a voluntary association, whose one of the tasks is to provide certificate of taking responsibility for the management of waste arising from vehicles individually imported to the Slovak Republic. To obtain such certificate the importer is obliged to pay the so-called recycling fee. Up to this year the whole process took place by payment of fee in the form of check at the post office, and its subsequent delivery to the District Office. For the applicant, this procedure was administratively unnecessarily long and complicated.

From January 1st 2016 we put Internet portal live, which was created for the client for the purpose of electronization of services and process streamlining to provide certificate. Issuing certificate itself is so much easier and takes only a few minutes – after entering the VIN on the portal the fee is set and it can be paid online, from the comfort of home. At the same time the certificate is issued in the online environment, and after recieving the payment it is immediately sent to applicant.

Portal provides the applicant with these benefits:

  • Electronization of the whole process without a need to visit the post office
  • Significant time reduction of issuing certificate from several hours or days to minutes
  • More payment options
  • Minimization of labor input in obtaining certificate (the applicant enters only VIN, phone number or email)
  • Issuing and getting immediate certificate online
  • Verification of fee payment by an official without the need of submitting certificate by an applicant

Obtaining certificate has therefore become much more convenient and less time-consuming process which should lead to greater satisfaction of applicants.

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