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4. September 2014

We Have Received Another Awards

This time we have received the Microsoft Industry Awards. We even became the Winner twice!

The company Microsoft has awarded the best customer solution of its partners for already the eighth time. The ‘Microsoft Industry Awards’ are awarded for solutions using innovative technologies of the company Microsoft. The award was officially handed over by the General Manager of the company Microsoft Slovakia Marcus Breyer.

The evaluation criteria of the contest include using new Microsoft technologies, customer satisfaction, benefits to the client and solution innovation.

MIA 2014

We are very proud we have been announced again this year the winner in several categories. We believe that the prize our brand has received is assurance for our clients as well and encouragement in decision-making in IT service supplier selection,” Millennium Director Miroslav Krempaský said.

The Best Cloud Solution on Microsoft Azure.
Solution: Windows Azure increases effectiveness of O2 Slovensko retail chain management.

The Best Application Solution for the State Administration, Self-government and Academic Sector.
Solution: National Receipt Lottery educates Slovak citizens and eliminates fraud in VAT collection.

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