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15. August 2015

We improve internal communication thanks to Yammer. Be inspired!

Yammer is a private social network helping employees to connect with the right persons at the right time, to share information and to manage projects – faster and more efficiently. Thanks to Yammer, we are pushing collaboration experience forward to a new level.

In July, we successfully deployed and started to use the enterprise social networking – Yammer. The aim of the deployment is more effective communication within the company and support of new ways of cooperation. After more than a month of operation, we have found the project was a success. We have published more than 600 reports; created dozens of groups; shared a number of documents and put dozens of likes 🙂

The combination of the terms “social networking” and “work” can be for many still difficult to image because generally well established idea is that social networks are purely just for relaxation. However, the opposite is true. This is mainly a new form of communication which can be surprisingly used within work environment. In our case, we passed product as well as project communication on to Yammer thus removing endless email pin pong and, at the same time, we had a platform for preserving often valuable information. Supporting the document share is natural within a corporate social network. Do you want to know (and see) more? Please, contact us and we will gladly assist you with your decision and deploying internal social network for your company.

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